Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Final Blog Post (Class Evaluation) Due 6/4/17

Please respond to the following questions (cut and paste into your post, then answer below each one). Please be honest. The grade will be based on thoughtful completion of the questions, NOT whether the content is negative or positive. :-) If you prefer to keep your evaluation private, feel free to email it to me instead.

1. Why did you take this class?

2. In general, what did you like most about this class?

3. In general, what did you like least about this class?

4. What was your most favorite project and why?

5. What was your least favorite project and why?

6. Discuss the overall effectiveness of the instructor (for example: preparation, availability, interest, content knowledge, expectations, etc.).

7. What are the most valuable things you learned in the class?

8. Do you feel that this class will help you achieve your future academic or career goals? How or why (or why not)?

9. How could this class be improved?

10. What would you tell incoming students to help them be more prepared for the class?

11. Additional Comments:

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Animation Final Project Blog Specs (Due 5/23/17)

As a reminder, here are the specs again for your final project blog post:

Post #1: References
This post should include at least five visual or technical references used for your project, including:
• still images
• videos (found online or taken by you)
• work by other animators
• tutorials
• articles
• books
• any other online or printed resources used for reference in your project
All links should be active so I can click on them, and include descriptions as to how they were used or are relevant to your project.

Post #2: Analysis and Reflection
When your animation is complete, you will analyze your project and reflect on areas of success/growth as well as areas that need improvement. Your post should include:

• One paragraph summarizing your idea and why you chose that interpretation of the story.
• One or two paragraphs discussing your use of animation principles throughout the project. You should be able to give at least five specific examples.
• One paragraph discussing areas that you felt worked particularly well. Give specific examples and discuss areas of growth/achievement in your skills since the beginning of the course.
• One paragraph discussing areas that you feel need further improvement. Give specific examples, and discuss what steps you would take in the future to improve those skills.
• One concluding paragraph summarizing your overall thoughts and feelings about the project as a whole, how well your strategy worked, what you learned, what you might do differently next time, etc.

Link for Blogs Due 05/21/17 (Video Only)

This is your last blog assignment before the final class evaluation post, so make it a good one!


Final Blog Post (Class Evaluation) for BOTH Classes Due 6/9/19

Please respond to the following questions (cut and paste into your post, then answer below each one). Please be honest. The grade will be ba...