Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Blog Assignments Due 12/03/17

This week, both classes will be discussing the same topic on your blog posts. There are two short articles on Net Neutrality and how it can affect the film and gaming industries. Read both, and incorporate some content from each of them into your responses.


Thursday, November 16, 2017

Scholarship Opportunity

$1500.00 Scholarship (4 awarded)  to qualified students. Due before Feb.2nd. Relatively easy application. Financial need will be taken into consideration.   


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Animation: Storyboarder

Here is that free storyboarding program I told you about: https://wonderunit.com/storyboarder/

It's not bad, so if you'd rather use this for storyboarding, I'm OK with that. I still think sketch.io has better tools and a little more intuitive interface, but check out both and use whichever you like best. Drawing by hand works, too...

Blog Assignments Due 10/29/17


Film & VFX:

Friday, October 13, 2017

Animation Walk Cycle Resources

Very basic breakdown of the 8 frame walk cycle, intended for Flash but easily adaptable to Harmony:

Good overall reference, a bit more complex:

This is a great page with examples and tips on creating walk cycles:

Videos showing real people walking in different ways, front and side views:

Monday, October 2, 2017

Extra Credit Blogs Due Monday 10/9 by midnight

This year I will be periodically posting extra credit blog opportunities during long weekend, breaks, etc., or other times when blogs are not generally due. These are optional, but may be helpful to those of you who, for whatever reason, have not completed a regularly assigned blog, or those who have but wish to boost your theory grade. These extra credit links will generally be longer than the normal blogs, to dissuade you from blowing off the regular assignments and thinking that doing extra credit post will be just as easy. :-)

If you do one of these posts, please label it "Extra Credit" in the post title. I will then either use it to replace your lowest blog grade or count it as extra credit, depending on each individual case. You do not need to comment on others' blogs for extra credit assignments.


Film and VFX

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Blog Assignments Due 10/1/17

This week, instead of your usual post about an article or video, you have a special assignment based on the screening and related assignment we did this past Friday. For this post, identify and discuss at least SIX principles of animation that you observed in Inside Out. You should be detailed in your description and analysis.

Don't forget to also complete the Weekly Comments post, as usual, along with commenting on others blogs.

If you want to earn up to 10 bonus points this week, feel free to do an extra post commenting (a couple paragraphs is fine for this one) on this cut of Pixar examples illustrating the importance of color in storytelling: http://nofilmschool.com/2014/09/pixar-supercut-will-remind-you-how-important-color-storytelling

Film & VFX:
You are back to the usual blog format this week (article response post + weekly comments + commenting on others blogs):

Monday, September 25, 2017

Principles of Animation reference

Here is the full movie of the Principles of Animation we watched on Thursday, in case any of you need a refresher: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDqjIdI4bF4&t=115s

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Links for Blogs Due 9/24/17

(plus your weekly comments post, as usual)

Film & VFX:
Instead of an article this week, you will do the color post assignment I handed out in class. Weekly Comments post must still be done....

Monday, September 11, 2017

Links for Blogs Due 9/17/17

This week's blog assignment is for BOTH classes.

Watch these two TED talks, and pick one to use for your blog post (if you were here for the very first day of Animation class, you have already watched them, but you may want to review before you write your post):



Please make sure you are following all the guidelines on your blog handout when you create your posts in order to get full credit!

Friday, September 8, 2017

Copyright-Free Media Sources

The following are a few sites which list public domain, copyright-free, or Creative Commons media sources. You can also do a Google search using words such as “public domain”,  “copyright free” “creative commons” and “images”, “video”, “music”, etc. to find others, or use the usage rights menu in the search tools. The presence of a resource on any of these lists does not guarantee that all or any of the media in it are copyright-free. You are still responsible for checking the copyright status of media, and citing the source, where appropriate.

Make sure that any images you use from the Internet are high enough resolution for the intended use!

https://images.google.com (type in a search term, then when you get results, click on “Tools”, and use the “Usage Rights” menu to select the desired license. Also use the Size menu to search for high res images.)
http://www.flickr.com/search (use drop down menu on the left to search by license type)

http://www.freeplaymusic.com (registration required - please note that if your project will be broadcast in any way or entered in a contest/festival, the music is NOT free)
https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/soundeffects (sound effects)
http://creativesounddesign.com/the-recordist-free-sound-effects/ (sound effects)
http://www.freesfx.co.uk (sound effects)
http://www.findsounds.com (sound effects)
http://www.freesound.org (sound effects)
http://www.grsites.com/archive/sounds/ (sound effects)

http://www.stockfootageforfree.com (registration required)
http://footagecrate.com (daily download limit of 5 clips)

Multiple Media Types
http://search.creativecommons.org/ (check each file for CC info)

Please let me know if you find other good resources!

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Final Blog Post (Class Evaluation) Due 6/4/17

Please respond to the following questions (cut and paste into your post, then answer below each one). Please be honest. The grade will be based on thoughtful completion of the questions, NOT whether the content is negative or positive. :-) If you prefer to keep your evaluation private, feel free to email it to me instead.

1. Why did you take this class?

2. In general, what did you like most about this class?

3. In general, what did you like least about this class?

4. What was your most favorite project and why?

5. What was your least favorite project and why?

6. Discuss the overall effectiveness of the instructor (for example: preparation, availability, interest, content knowledge, expectations, etc.).

7. What are the most valuable things you learned in the class?

8. Do you feel that this class will help you achieve your future academic or career goals? How or why (or why not)?

9. How could this class be improved?

10. What would you tell incoming students to help them be more prepared for the class?

11. Additional Comments:

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Animation Final Project Blog Specs (Due 5/23/17)

As a reminder, here are the specs again for your final project blog post:

Post #1: References
This post should include at least five visual or technical references used for your project, including:
• still images
• videos (found online or taken by you)
• work by other animators
• tutorials
• articles
• books
• any other online or printed resources used for reference in your project
All links should be active so I can click on them, and include descriptions as to how they were used or are relevant to your project.

Post #2: Analysis and Reflection
When your animation is complete, you will analyze your project and reflect on areas of success/growth as well as areas that need improvement. Your post should include:

• One paragraph summarizing your idea and why you chose that interpretation of the story.
• One or two paragraphs discussing your use of animation principles throughout the project. You should be able to give at least five specific examples.
• One paragraph discussing areas that you felt worked particularly well. Give specific examples and discuss areas of growth/achievement in your skills since the beginning of the course.
• One paragraph discussing areas that you feel need further improvement. Give specific examples, and discuss what steps you would take in the future to improve those skills.
• One concluding paragraph summarizing your overall thoughts and feelings about the project as a whole, how well your strategy worked, what you learned, what you might do differently next time, etc.

Link for Blogs Due 05/21/17 (Video Only)

This is your last blog assignment before the final class evaluation post, so make it a good one!


Friday, March 10, 2017

Video Class - Scholarship Contest Opportunity

Because I can't bear to assign yet another distracted driving contest, here is the link for another one (prizes up to $2500) for those who want to do it as extra credit: http://www.marksandharrison.com/scholarship/

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Animation Blog Assignment Due 3/14/17

This week's blog grade will be based entirely on the following assignment. You do NOT need to complete a weekly comments post, nor do you need to comment on others' posts this week.

Answer the following questions about Zootopia, which we screened in class. When writing your analysis, avoid words such as “great’’, “excellent”, “good” and “bad”. Be more specific and descriptive with your language, and provide examples for each point.

1. Summarize the plot of the film, including the obstacles that are in the way of what each character wants and how they do or do not overcome those obstacles.

2. What do you believe is the central message or theme of this film?

3. Describe the most important points about the setting/environmental design and how it enhanced the plot.

4. Discuss the technical and artistic aspects of the character design. Which specific character attributes work particularly well, and which could be improved, in your opinion? You should discuss at least three different characters.

5. Examine the overall quality of the storytelling. For example, is the story or concept unique? Does the storytelling and dialogue hold your attention? Is the story easy to follow and does it stay with you long after viewing it?

6. Do you think the actors who did the character voices were good choices? Provide at least three examples of where you thought the voices worked well or not.

7.   Discuss the technical (lighting, motion, textures, sound, etc.) and stylistic aspects of the animation techniques used and how they enhanced or detracted from the film.

8. Identify at least three examples of where the Principles of Animation were used effectively. You should name the specific principle, describe the scene, and explain why you thought it was an effective use.

9. What aspects not mentioned above did you find impressive and/or disappointing about the film?

10. Do you think this film deserved to win the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature? Explain why you feel this way.

Donnie Darko Theories


Many more available if you search for them...

Friday, February 3, 2017

Video Class: Exposure Settings Resources

This is especially important for those who will be experimenting with the DSLRs, as they have many more custom settings that you will need to understand. These will give you a basic understanding of aperture, shutter speed and ISO and how they work together.

(Good examples of how images are affected by these settings.)

(A more technical explanation, with infographics. There are also several links at the bottom for more resources.)

Friday, January 20, 2017

Video Class: Memento Analysis - Interview with Christopher Nolan

An interesting discussion of the process of the film by the director himself:


Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Links for Blogs Due 01/29/17

Since I know many of you have mid-terms next week, I am posting these now, but they are not due until 1/29. That way you can fit them in before or after your exams as necessary.


(Make sure you read the entire article and also watch the video.)

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Video Class Competition Links

• CareerSafe® Youth Safety Video Contest: http://www.careersafeonline.com/index.php/national-youth-safety-video-contest (under 2 minutes, must be a minimum of one minute for our purposes)

• ASMF “Sleep Recharges You” High School Video Contest: http://www.discoversleep.org/highschoolcontest.aspx (under 2 minutes, must be a minimum of one minute for our purposes)

• The Great American NO BULL Challenge: http://www.nobullchallenge.org (choice of short film (2-5 minutes) or PSA (you must do 60 seconds for our purposes)

• TeenDrive365 Video Challenge: http://www.teendrive365inschool.com/teens/video-challenge (PSA, you must do 60 seconds for our purposes)

Final Blog Post (Class Evaluation) for BOTH Classes Due 6/9/19

Please respond to the following questions (cut and paste into your post, then answer below each one). Please be honest. The grade will be ba...