Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Links for Blogs Due 11/6/16



Video Class: New PSA Option - YouthSafe Contest


Make sure you read all the specs! There are three categories, and only one of them is video. Also check out the fact sheet links on the page above for ideas about your theme.

The specific themes are listed here, along with entry forms: http://nycosh.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/NYCOSH_YouthSafeContest_VideoPSAPacket_2017Final.pdf

If you choose to do this for the PSA project due Tuesday, you must give me a new storyboard and script. Otherwise, you can do it as extra credit anytime between now and April.

If you need to shoot in any classrooms here, make sure you leave enough time to get teacher permission and/or talent release forms signed.

Final Blog Post (Class Evaluation) for BOTH Classes Due 6/9/19

Please respond to the following questions (cut and paste into your post, then answer below each one). Please be honest. The grade will be ba...