Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Audio PSA Contest Opportunity - open to both classes

2016 Save Your Friend’s Life Over the Airwaves Contest

Create a 30 second audio public service announcement (PSA) on any of the 5 topics listed below…
~ Driving Distractions
~ Drowsy Driving
~ Impaired Driving (Alcohol /Other Drugs)
~ Safety Belt Use (Front & Back)
~ Speeding

Cash prizes and recognition will be given to the winners.
Winning entries will be aired on radio stations to promote teen driving safety throughout New York State.
For more information and entry forms:
Or email:
All entries must be received by March 11, 2016

Final Blog Post (Class Evaluation) for BOTH Classes Due 6/9/19

Please respond to the following questions (cut and paste into your post, then answer below each one). Please be honest. The grade will be ba...