Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Animation Contest Links

Choice 1: Firefox Flicks
Create an animation that helps people better understand the issues facing them online and shows how Firefox helps them deal with these issues. Seniors, you may choose to do a video for this option if you wish. If so, you must hand  in a script along with your storyboard.
Length: 30 seconds to unspecified
Prize: $5000 in equipment/scholarship, plus others
Contest Deadline: 4/12/12

Choice 2: Getting The Book Invented Properly:
The International Douglas Adams Animation Competition
Produce an animation that best illustrates the words of Douglas Adams (audio provided).
Length: 30 seconds to entirety of clip (you may edit the audio to the length you want)
Prize: iPad2 and a towel
Contest Deadline: 4/15/12

Choice 3: Independent Study
Create an original short animation based on the topic of your choosing. If you choose this option, you must submit a brief proposal (1-2 paragraphs) describing the project, for my approval, before you complete your storyboards. Finished animation must be at least 30 seconds in length.


Lego Hero Factory Video Project

Explore LEGO Hero Factory and the BREAKOUT storyline through your own unique perspective, and create an animated or animation/live action blend video that will create viral buzz and excitement for the LEGO Hero Factory.
Length: 30-90 seconds (for my purposes, you must create 2 or more entries or combine with another project to total at least 2 minutes) 
Prize: $500 - $8000 
Contest Deadline: 4/5/12


Mobile Rhino Feel Free to Be Wildly Creative! Video Contest
Create an animation (or video if you are a senior) that shows funny, crazy, off-the-wall, true and embarrassing stories that showcase how easy it is to accidentally destroy, lose your phone or have your identity stolen.
Length: 30-90 seconds
Prize: $2500, plus other prizes
Contest Deadline: 5/1/12

Final Blog Post (Class Evaluation) for BOTH Classes Due 6/9/19

Please respond to the following questions (cut and paste into your post, then answer below each one). Please be honest. The grade will be ba...