Monday, June 3, 2019

Final Blog Post (Class Evaluation) for BOTH Classes Due 6/9/19

Please respond to the following questions (cut and paste into your post, then answer below each one). Please be honest. The grade will be based on thoughtful completion of the questions, NOT whether the content is negative or positive. :-) If you prefer to keep your evaluation private, feel free to email it to me instead at

1. Why did you take this class?

2. In general, what did you like most about this class?

3. In general, what did you like least about this class?

4. What was your most favorite project and why?

5. What was your least favorite project and why?

6. Discuss the overall effectiveness of the instructor (for example: preparation, availability, interest, content knowledge, expectations, etc.).

7. What are the most valuable things you learned in the class?

8. Do you feel that this class will help you achieve your future academic or career goals? How or why (or why not)?

9. How could this class be improved?

10. What would you tell incoming students to help them be more prepared for the class?

11. Additional Comments:

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Blog Assignments Due 5/19/29


Film & VFX:

Analyze your experience at Escape City from both a player’s and creator’s point of view. Each answer should be 1-2 paragraphs long.

1. From a player’s point of view, discuss what you liked about the overall Escape City experience.

2. From a player’s point of view, discuss what you disliked about the Escape City  experience.

3. Who do you think is the target audience for this experience? Were the games well-deigned for that audience? Did they do a good job adjusting for different age levels and abilities?

4. Using specific examples, discuss how video, audio and animation was used to enhance the experience in each room:
 a. Body Collectors
 b. Over the Falls

5. From a media creator’s point of view, give some suggestions for how the experience could be improved. What you might you do differently if you were to create your own interactive escape room?

(Don't forget to also complete weekly comments to get full credit for this week.)

If you did not attend the field trip (or if you did and would like to complete this as extra credit in addition to the assignment above), use the following to complete a normal blog assignment:

Monday, April 29, 2019

Blog Assignments Due 05/05/19 (Animation)

(make sure to watch and discuss BOTH videos)

Film & VFX:
You have another film analysis to complete, so no blogs this week.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Film & VFX: Extra Credit Video Opportunities

If you find other contests with deadlines that are still viable, feel free to share them with me for extra credit consideration.

I will also still take the chase scene exercise as extra credit, but it must have music, sound effects, etc., and some time put into it!

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

EXTRA CREDIT Blog Assignments Due 04/28/19 (Both Classes)

For this extra credit blog, you will be discussing the following two TED Talks. Make sure you cover BOTH in your summary and analysis. You can either discuss them individually, or find common themes to relate them to each other; your choice.

Final Blog Post (Class Evaluation) for BOTH Classes Due 6/9/19

Please respond to the following questions (cut and paste into your post, then answer below each one). Please be honest. The grade will be ba...